Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Who is Promdi?

1.He hails from the City of Golden Friendship (story goes that when people actually discovered there was no gold in the area, they just referred to the friendly people as the area’s real assets; the title stuck but nobody was really fooled, I think) but spent his formative (aka college) years in Manila. Those years were indeed formative as this poor promdi had to discover all by himself the intricacies of living away from home and making it on his own.

2.He used to be a varsity player of that sport that everyone thinks only gays play and played for that school near the boarder of Marikina and Quezon cities. Of course, he has long thrown in his knee pads and said goodbye to competitive games (and has learned to play and love another sport entirely – but that is another story). Some day when 172 lbs becomes 150 lbs, he will be able to play again!

3.He has always been athletic (though these days gravity is slowly trying to take its toll –spare me another 20 years please!) and involved in quite a few sports. To stall the effects of gravity he is determined to stick to the latest craze – jogging. And badminton, that other sport being referred to in #2.

4.He took up BS Math in college. Why? Because his high school achievements led him to think he could do it. And because he has always had a head for it (sort of). And because those who wanted to be qualify for scholarship had to choose a quota course and Computer Science was never an option (no college scholarship was never an option as well, but again that’s another story). And because there was a certain ring to it (though even his parents were asking what kind of jobs were available to math graduates aside from teaching and found no satisfactory answers).

5.He works in an industry that is not understood well by most and hated by many who confuse it with that other industry that bungled kids' tuition fees. Oh, yes, he eats numbers for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Blech!

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